Friday, March 9, 2012

Photography Friday!

Hello fellow Bloggers!
Well this is a different aspect for my blog which I think i am going to do every Friday from now on.. So let me know what you think of it!

This is a photograph that I took last month of the sun setting behind the mountain, creating a lovely pink glow across the blue sky! 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello Again :)!
I thought i should do a review on a product that I have recently discovered: 'John Frieda Frizz Ease' -such a great thing if your hair is anything like mine!

The 'John Frieda Frizz Ease' is a hair serum which helps stop your hair become frizzy, which I find very helpful as i have naturally wavy/frizzy hair!

You only use a small amount, but you get a great result! The instructions tell you only to use one pump of the product - however I tend to use 2 as I have really thick hair - so judge depending on the thickness and length of the hair. Then rub your hands together and apply to hair - avoiding the roots of your hair! You will notice the affect of the hair serum once you have dried your hair as it will not be frizzy as it is usually!

However this product is quite dear as it is £5.99 for a 50ml bottle, but i think the result is worth it and the product will last for quite a long time! Overall, I give this product 8/10 ~ not 10 because of the price!
Love from,
                                        Sophie x x x
Well, as this is my first review i thought i would do it on a product that i have been using for ages - 'Simple: Replenishing Rich Moisturiser' - as i just love it!

I have been using this since i was given it as a gift at Christmas two years ago and it works MAGIC!

I am a person who has quite rough and uneven skin, and i find that using this moisturiser ever night before i go to bed has helped me. I apply a small amount to my face ever night, by using small circle movements to rub it in. It leaves your skin looking good and feeling healthy!

I also have quite sensitive skin which reacts to products with a perfume fragment in it. However this product does not contain any perfume and is 
therefore perfect for me to use as it will not irritate my skin - Brilliant! 
                                                                          Lots of Love, 
                                                                                                     Sophie x x